Hot Fudge Oreo Cheesecake Pie

My daughter, Kelsey and her husband, Randy were telling me about their Thanksgiving Pie night with Randy’s family, and they mentioned that someone always makes a yummy Oreo pie. After that, I just couldn’t stop thinking about making Oreo pie!!! (It’s all Randy and Kelsey’s fault. I blame them.) So here’s my easy, no bake Oreo pie that showed up at our Thanksgiving pie smorgasbord. It was definitely a hit! 🙂

Hot Fudge Oreo Cheesecake Pie
This easy no-bake Oreo Cream Pie will fill your cravings for both oreos and cheesecake!
Prep Time 15 min
Passive Time 4 hours
Prep Time 15 min
Passive Time 4 hours
  1. Stir cold milk and pudding mix together and mix well. Put in fridge to thicken.
  2. Beat softened cream cheese until creamy. Slowly add the whipped topping, beating after each addition.
  3. Put 10 of the oreo cookies in a freezer bag and crush with a rolling pin. Reserve the other 8 for a garnish. Set aside.
  4. When the pudding has thickened, add it to the cream cheese mixture and beat until well incorporated.
  5. Add the coarsely-chopped oreos and stir well to incorporate.
  6. Pour the mixture into the pie shell. Chill for at least 3- 1/2 hours or overnight.
  7. Just before serving, place hot fudge in a small Ziploc sandwhich bag. Warm in the microwave for 10-15 seconds or until it is soft enough to drizzle. Using scissors, cut a small hole in one corner of the bag. Drizzle hot fudge over pie by squeezing it out of the whole in a zig-zag shape over the pie.
  8. Garnish each slice with an oreo and additional whipped topping, if desired.
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